Saturday, November 17, 2007

Poll Review #1 - Items in Brawl Tournaments

Should items be permitted in competitive Brawl?
Always! (8 votes)
Only in special events. (18 votes)
Never! (19 votes)

This does not speak for the entire smash community (obviously), but the results are fairly expected. There is a minority who want items in all tournaments with no questions asked. The bulk of the competitive community is split between even allowing them for special events (on top of having item-free events) and disallowing them entirely. The reality of the situation will be interesting to see as Brawl tournaments are finally organized starting in February. With the advent of online tournaments, there may actually be item tournament followers this time around. While online tournaments will never become the accepted mainstream tournament standard (I reference Halo 2 at MLG), the community will grow as a result of online participation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think there should be different tournament divisions. Like, a tournament for items and one with not.